
Archive for the ‘بلا تصنيف’ Category

How to get back the OLD Facebook Chat

 Facebook, the social networking website updated its chat box recently, but i heard so many users and friends – same as me – Criticizing it, the non-Friendly new way in messaging while you can’t find all the available people easly, etc etc

 in result it was clear that the Old Facebook chat wins against the new one…. But Facebook forced all the users to upgrade to the new one without giving a chance, so i started searching how to get back the old one, and i found a very easy Add-on that will let you get it… 1 bad news for the Internet Explorer Users: it will not work for you 😦 you can either close this article or switch to use other browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari

:So the Easy Three Steps Method is

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Categories: بلا تصنيف

December 17, 2010 Leave a comment

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Categories: بلا تصنيف

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December 9, 2010 1 comment

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Categories: بلا تصنيف