
Posts Tagged ‘Business Card’

WIN a Business Card Design

February 25, 2011 4 comments
Business Card

Einshtein | Design Studio


Since i had no Big Experience in Business Card Designing, when my Dear friend asked me design her a business card,i searched the internet and found a great tutorial on how to make it, and you can see the result above in the picture


and now im going to GIVE Three Business Card Deigns

So… If you want a business card, or looking to change yours, ENTER the Competition and WIN IT

:The Rules are very simple

:1st – Leave a COMMENT on this post with an answer for this Question

who is the Lebanese Architects who Designed the BO18 Night Club In Beirut

2nd – First Three Comments with correct answer will be the WINNERS

3rd – The winners Names will be posted in a new post, then the designs

4th – the DEADLINE to submit the comments is Sunday (27|02|2011) at 6:00 pm


So Just hurry up and Make it