
Posts Tagged ‘Day’

Stop Sexual Harrasment

Teresa Abboud |

Teresa Abboud |



 For The #EndSH (End Sexual Harrasment) Blogging Day in Lebanon, Syria & Egypt i just want to share with you this illustration done by Teresa Abboud | illustrator at



For “World Bloggers Day” : Best Lebanese Bloggers

I’m Celebrating World Bloggers’ Day 2011Theme: The Roles of Bloggers

Initiated by Cebu Bloggers Society, Inc.


Today .. May 2nd, is the Second “World Bloggers Day”, an online

celebration dedicated for bloggers all over the world. Offline events are also

held on some locations, and as the role of bloggers in lebanon stills somehow new in the sociaty, ill dedicate this post to all the lebaneze citizens, showing some of the “Best Lebanese Bloggers” as a personal opinion

Imad Bazzi | Trella: Owner of ” Trella” Blog, one of the most interesting bloggers , he blogs about politics, revolutions, personal and social issue, in a comic crtical style

Dany Awad: Owner of “Here i Stopped.. and Wrote” , Great Poet, writer and designer, very passionate and sensational posts

Assaad Thebian | Beirutiyat: “Notes From Beirut” Blog, very interesting blog about politics, poetry, revolutions ans social improuvment and developing

Pascal Assaf | Memories Injuries: “Memories Injuries” Blog, Poems, Short Stories, Book Reviews, Reports, News … etc

Salim AL Lawzi | Wall For Rent : “Wall For Rent” Blog, Arab countries, Lebanese News papers, Illustrations, Love, and much more of the social issues

Racha Ghamloush| Lebanese Voices: “Lebanese Voices” Blog, English posts about arab and lebanese issues