
Posts Tagged ‘Exebition’

The AltMedia Experience

 The AltMedia Experience is a 1 week long event organized by and here is an explanation from the event organizers

The AltMedia Experience will bring together a variety of community and corporate partners, media creators, innovators and activists around the themes of alternative media, new media, citizen journalism, and advocacy. The week-long event, at the end of July, will include a wide variety ofactivities, including media-focused art exhibits, demonstrations, workshops, and discussions, as well as fun and participatory cultural events in the evenings. This event is the first public (pre-launch) event at the new AltCity media/tech/social impact collaboration space that will be launching in Hamra this fall, and we’re excited to bring people into this space while it is still very much “in development” in order to engage the broader community in the design of both the physical space and the services/activities that will take place there.

you can check the calendar here for more information about the events having place at, Beirut, Hamra, Main Street, Montereal Blg, Floor M
