
Posts Tagged ‘Geek’

“Design Geeks”.. What u think??

September 28, 2011 11 comments

Design Geeks , a brand new website that gonna be launched soon, and as its name says, its a website related to the design fields, specially graphic and web design.

before the public publish of the site i would to take your opinion about the logo created.

here is the logo and a poll below, for any comments plz write in the comments box 🙂 thank you


10 Geek and Creative T-Shirts Designs

September 9, 2011 5 comments

Befor the launch of our new initiative “The Creative Geek”, i loved to share with you these T-Shirt Designs because it’s somehow related to our initiative.

the T-Shirt Designs are hand picked from international websites, unfortunatly i cant find the source of the designers, but they deserved to be shown




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