
Posts Tagged ‘SAS’

SAS .. Write & Design Competition

Students Anti Smoking

Students Anti Smoking

a writing and design competition, hosted by “Toufoula” Organization and “Students Anti Smoking” Organization

Click To Join Students Anti Smoking Competition

– Participants must be a High School or University Student
– Story subject is “Anti Smoking Awareness” Dedicated to CHILDRENS
– Story might be written in Arabic or English
– Story Size not more than 4 – 5 Pages A4
– Some Scenes must be designed two, 3 – 4 scenes, by hand or by Softwares
– a group submition is allowed for just 2 students, one for writing and the other for designing

– THREE first winners will get Prizes
– First Winner will get his Story Full Designed , Printed and Published
– Three stories will get published online, on | |

– Dead Line : 15 – May – 2011
– Stories and sketches must be sent to :, including : Participant Name – School or university Name – Age – Phone – Email


تنظم جمعيتي “طفولة” و”طلاب ضد التدخين” مسابقة طلابية في الكتابة والتصميم لتأليف قصة للتوعية حول مضار التدخين موجهة للأطفال

شروط المسابقة:
– يجب أن يكون الطالب في المرحلة الثانوية أو الجامعية
– أن تحتوي القصة على توعية حول مضار التدخين بأسلوب يناسب الأطفال
وباللغة العربية أو الإنجليزية
-أن لا يتجاوز حجم القصة أربع الى خمس صفحات
– أن ترفق القصة بثلاثة أو أربعة مشاهد من وحي القصة مرسومة باليد أو الكومبيوتر
– أن تسلم بواسطة البريد الألكتروني(e_mail) في الوقت المحدد

تسليم القصص:
– تسلم القصص المشاركة ضمن مدة أقصاها السبت في 15-05-2011 بواسطة البريد
الألكتروني على العنوان:
– يرسل نص القصة والرسوم مع أسم المشترك الثلاثي، اسم المدرسة أو الجامعة، صورة المشترك،
رقم الهاتف والبريد الألكتروني

– تقدم جوائز مادية ومعنوية للقصص الثلاثة الفائزة
– القصة الأولى تفوز أيضاَ بتصميم, طباعة ونشر القصة
– تنشر القصص الفائزة على المواقع الإلكترونية للجمعيتين وكذلك في جريدة “حبر لبناني

Students Fight Against Smoking

SAS Logo - Designed by Saleem Azzam
SAS Logo – Designed by Saleem Azzam

Alaa Chehayeb

Deir El Qamar | 15-Apr-2011

Students Anti Smoking a Lebanese NGO, Founded by a group of Students, to fight against Smoking, in Lebanon and the region, is participating to GYSD event, [ Global Youth Services Days ] hosted by AVS, During 15 – 17 April . So they Created 3 Activities , a Campaign and Petition Called “Smoke it Outside” that achieved an Administrative Law by “Lebanese University – IBA-4” to avoid smoking in the Faculity as a First Step in a long way.

SAS members Leading the workshop

SAS members Leading the workshop

The Second One was an “Awerness workshop” with Deir El Qamar Official Secondary School Students,  Presented by the members of “SAS” the workshop was designed to Inform the Teenagers about Smoking bad sides and facts, also about health problems caused by smoking, in a cool and funny way, so the participants were excited and following all the presentation, and participating with their opinions and playing the Smoking game that always leads to a heath problem

Students Playing the SMOKING GAME

Students Playing the SMOKING GAME

The Third Activity, was the launch of Writing and Design an Awareness Story about smoking facts, for more information you can visit the Students Anti Smoking | FB Fan Page and join the event there

Soon “SAS” are going to launch an Anti Smoking Commercial on Social media Platforms